Ramme Hvit - Standard glass
Ramme - Hvit - Standard glass - Små bilder
Innramming av kunstverk i kategorien små bilder. Merk at eventuell passepartout gir en 5-6 cm bred kant rundt kunstverket, mellom dette og rammen.
Om innramming
Innrammingen er viktig for opplevelsen av kunsten - derfor hjelper vi deg gjerne. Bor du i Oslo eller omegn kan du bestille bildet ferdig innrammet. Vi samarbeider med en Norgesmester innen innramming som bruker materialer av høyeste kvalitet for å sikre at bildene dine blir akkurat slik du vil ha dem.
Velg mellom standardglass eller anti-refleksglass (AR/UV70). Anti-refleksglass har 70% UV-beskyttelse og beskytter kunstverket bedre enn vanlig glass og er samtidig refleksfritt, noe som særlig er en fordel dersom bildet skal henge et sted med direkte lys.
The framing is important for the experience of the art - therefore we are happy to help you. If you live in Oslo or the surrounding area, you can order the picture completely framed. We work with a Norwegian champion in framing who uses materials of the highest quality to ensure that your photos are exactly the way you want them.
Choose between standard glass or anti-reflective glass (AR / UV70). Anti-reflective glass has 70% UV protection and protects the artwork better than ordinary glass and is also non-reflective, which is especially an advantage if the image is to be hung somewhere with direct light.
OsloNowhere works to connect art collectors and artists, and as an intermediary between you and the artist. Our goal is to make the transaction as smooth as possible for both parties. We recieve your payment and delivery information, issue a reciept and recieve any returns on behalf of the artist, to make things easy for everyone.
Vil du legge til en ramme?

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Ramme Eik - Standard glass

Ramme Hvit - ART glass

Ramme Hvit - Standard glass