Stian Klo
Stian Klo is 40 years old and lives in Harstad in Troms and Finnmark. He has worked full time as a nature and landscape photographer since the summer of 2013 and is a co-owner of Discover North AS, a company that specializes in exclusive photography courses and workshops around the world.
In 2014, Stian's images were licensed and fronted by Apple in connection with the product launch of a new Macbook. They used a picture he had taken on a fishing trip in Vesterålen to explain the specifications of (then) revolutionary screen technology. In the time since, he has licensed the image several times and been a kind of front figure for, among other things, iMac and iPad launches for Apple. This collaboration has undoubtedly opened many doors for Stian, and he himself believes that he would not have been here today without it.
"Winter, snow and ice have always fascinated me - I do not have a scientific or theoretical explanation for why I am attracted to it, but there is something about purity, rawness and its constant change that fascinates me - In addition, there are brutal forces involved and that can often be a bit "ugly-beautiful". The glaciers and icebergs I photograph, for example, will most likely not look the same tomorrow - so you could say that it is also about the presence and awareness of a "lost world". "